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Bill Gates was once asked, "If you were a superhero, what superpower would you want?" He said, “I wish I had the ability to finish reading books faster!”
Bill Gates is not alone, most successful people in the world have this one thing in common, they all read a lot of books!
If we read at least one book every month, we will have read 12 books by the end of the year. 12 good books can enrich our journey in life.
The kind of books that should be read: The book that makes us human, the book that enlightens, dreams, instills good thoughts in us, beautifies our mind, that kind of book should be read.
Reason: Books give us knowledge. Creates good thoughts in our mind. Teaches to judge good and bad. shows us dreams. It guides us to be better people. For this reason, if we want to become human beings, we should read books of good thoughts.
Knowledge is spread on pages of books. So we will read good books to become real people.- Humayun Azad
Now talking about which book is good? In fact, there is no end to the good. Everyone likes different things. Some people like stories. Some like novels. Some like religious books. Some like to read history or translated literature. Anyway, I am giving you ten good books to read in time. don't cheat And never once will it feel like time was wasted. And read every good book at least 2/3 times.
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• 'Empire of the Mogul The Tented Throne' by Alex Rutherford. The book shows some images of the reign of Moghar kings. Five months after Emperor Akbar's death, his son Shah Jahan ascended the throne. But his assumption of power was not pleasant. His brothers objected. Shah Jahan suppressed them with a heavy hand.
• 'A Brief History of Islam' - Karen Armstrong. In Western countries, Islam is thought of as a death pit for women. In this religion, women have no freedom, women have no rights, no respect, etc. and Islam is the most patriarchal and misogynistic religion. Islam religion means militant group Al-Qaeda, Taliban. By reading this book written by Karen Armstrong, people's views of western countries are bound to change. How beautiful, how generous, how great Islam is, Karen Armstrong has been able to say to some extent.
• 'No Longer at Ease' by Chinua Achibe. Chinua, one of the Black African novelists, is known worldwide for the groundbreaking novel "Things Fall Apart". The story of the novel 'No Longer at Ease' begins with the trial of a Nigerian civil servant named Obi Okonkwo after accepting a bribe. The entire story is then narrated in flashbacks. The main character Obi was an outstanding student at school as a child. He was born in Eumofia.
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• 'Wuthering Heights' Author - Emily Brontë. Heathcliff, the adopted son, became dearer to Mr. Earnshaw than his own son. Catherine Ernst fell in love with Heathcliff as a teenager. After his father's death, Hindle Ernst became the head of the house. He demoted Heathcliff from the position of brother to that of servant. At the same time, Catherine Earnshaw began to become intimate with Edgar Linton. Heathcliff became mad with revenge. Hindley acquired the estates of Ernst and Edgar Lynton by trickery. But what peace did his insatiable soul get?
• 'Marriage and Morals' author - Bertrand Russell. Russell said in the book, there are two sources of morals of the time; Desire to be sure about paternity and negative ideas about sex. Russell did not characterize promiscuous sex as bad. But at the same time he spoke of self-restraint. In this case, he asked to make sure that personal freedom does not conflict with moderation. The main purpose of marriage is to have children - this is Russell's opinion.
• 'Myth and Meaning' by Claude Lévi-Strauss. Throughout his life, he has worked with the mythological myths, folk tales, certain practices or postures passed down from age to age in various communities. Analyzing the description of the life of the Amazon Indians for almost three decades, he found a universal feature among all the myths of the world. He analyzed the basic ideas of Puranic myths and rituals to discover their underlying structure, their inner patterns. Claude Lévi-Strauss's mythology becomes mythologic when dealing with folk local myths.
• 'Iliad' and 'Odessy' author - Homer. Two of the greatest Greek epics of all time are the Iliad and the Odyssey. The popularity of which has not waned so much since those early days. The epic poet Homer is the author of such epic literary works. According to a German critic and philosopher, the Iliad may not have been written by Homer alone. It is actually a caste epic. This great epic may have been composed by several rural poets of ancient Greece. The Iliad is composed of fragments written by different poets.
• 'Endless Wait' author - Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie is an English crime fiction writer. He wrote 80 mystery novels, among which the detective Hercule Poirot (Hercule Poirot) and Miss Marple's stories are among them. He is considered one of the most important and innovative writers of mystery novels.
• 'The Good Earth' author - Pearl S. speech The book was published in 1931. 1931 to 1932 - The Good Earth was considered a national bestseller in America for two whole years. Buck won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for this book. This extraordinary touching literary work later took him a few steps further towards the stage of the Nobel Prize. The story of 'The Good Earth' is about Wang Lung, a poor farmer in China. Wang Lung marries O-Lan, the concubine of Huang's landlord. On the basis of his hard working life, he soon progressed towards great progress. The land of the zamindar was bought by spending the accumulated money. Wang Lung started farming in that land. His poverty returned. He is always helped by his sly wife O-Lan. Every year he kept increasing the extent of his land little by little.
• 'Mother Teresa' by Emile Zola. Emile Zola was known as the 'Novelist of Novelists' in the world. He was a very strong proponent of naturalist thought in literatureEarly in life he was a clerk in the French customs department. Émile Zola has always worked for political liberalism in France. Emile Zola was the author of many classic novels, including novels such as The Earth (translated into Bengali, Mati) or The Germinal (translated into Bengali, Granth Ankur). In 1937, the film 'The Life of Emily Zola' was made on Zola's biography. The movie won the Academy Award
• 'Moby-Dick (The Whale)' by Herman Melville (720 pages) Starting the list with a short book of 720 pages, it is a masterpiece of the American writer Melville.
The story of Moby-Dick revolves around its central character, Ahab. Ahab is the captain of the whaling ship Pequod.
He becomes desperate for revenge against a giant white sperm whale. Because this whale took part of his leg from below the knee.
That's why he searched the sea like a madman for that whale.
The narrator of the story is a sailor named Ishmael. And one of the most popular first lines in this literature is: "Call me Ishmael."
The book is quirky, erudite, funny, deeply meaningful and considered one of America's most popular novels
The Great Gatsby ,The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Set in the Jazz Age on Long Island, near New York City, the novel depicts first-person
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