What did you learn late in life?

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As we grow older, we all learn some valuable things from life. Looking back on your past years, you may think, "If only I knew then what I know now". We cannot go back and change the past, but we can always learn a lot from the past. Here are some lessons I have learned from my past life:

• Family is more important than friends.

• To love someone, love yourself first.

• Life is easy, when you make life busy.

• People don't really care about you. They are worried about themselves and you are not at the top of their priority list. Everyone is out for themselves.

• Whatever you do in life, always give your best.

• People don't think as much about you as you think.

• The 'one day' you've been waiting for is happening right now. Don't wait to do anything in life. Go forth with courage and determination.

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• Always treat people well, and you will get respect from almost everyone.

• Think before you speak. Words have the power to cause irreparable harm, always speak wisely.

• Time is the most important thing. Never waste it on anyone.

• Good things don't come easily.

• Never fail to try harder.

• Before it's too late, take care of your health first. Health is the root of all happiness.

• Make use of every moment of life.

• Open your soul and live. Don't forget to enjoy life.

• Talk less and do more.

• Happiness is relative. Money can't buy happiness.

• Complaints never bring anything good.

• Never stop learning.

• Nothing can be achieved by worrying.

• Failure is not the end.

• Your mental health is as important as your overall physical health.

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• Always working hard and working constantly, not working smart.

• Stay away from people who always see themselves as victims of circumstances.

• Parents are not always right, sometimes they have to be wrong.

• Nothing will change by itself, you have to change it yourself and no one will come to help you unless you help yourself first.

• Being lonely for any reason – not having enough friends, not having enough good friends, moving to a new situation and leaving old friends behind – can lead you to make some stupid social decisions.

• It's perfectly normal not to have a romantic relationship in high school, college, or even university.

• It is more pleasant to finish a pile of work than to sit idly by doing nothing.

• Dream big and take action to make it happen.

• Do what you love to do.

• Forbid what you don't want to do, outright.

• If you let people take advantage of you, they will.

• Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should.

• Stop complaining.

• Treat yourself with love and respect.

• Never abandon the people who love you.

• Know your destination. Don't sleepwalk through life.

• The sacrifices you make now will pay off in the future.

• Forgive everyone who has hurt you at any point in your life.

• Keep your ego in the corner of your chest.

• Everyone is in some kind of trouble.

• Always focus on the present. Don't worry about past and future.

• Never hesitate to ask for help.

• You will die eventually - everything is temporary, nothing really matters

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